Rapid Prototyping

Get a high-quality prototype 3D printed or moulded in as little as 5 days.

Moulded & 3D Printing Prototypes

Prototypes are essential for validating designs whilst products are still in the development stage. They are popular amongst a range of industries including the medical, consumer, aerospace & automotive.

Rapid modelling allows design engineers to spot any errors within the early product development stages and save money when it comes to tooling & full-scale production.

Prototype Manufacturing

Need a product prototype?

Submit your CAD here for a quote.

Form, Fit & Function Prototypes
To enable you to follow the F3 framework, we can provide form, fit and function prototypes.
Rapid Prototyping Services


  • Use SLA  or SLS 3D printing techniques to create visual product prototypes quickly for different stages of design.
  • Review aesthetics & dimensions.
  • Inspect enclosures, chassis & control panels.
  • Save on design costs thanks to the flexibility & repeatability of our builds.
Product Prototype


  • Check assembly tolerances of your part or product.
  • Examine snap-fits, interlocking parts and  ensure joined features fit together.
  • Ensure holes and fixtures align perfectly.
  •  Utilise our full range of material choices and prototyping techniques.

Functional Prototypes


  • Build and assess:
    • Locking devices
    • Snap-fits
    • Flexible lugs
    • Screw threads
    • The placing and  size of ports
    • Assembly process for scalability

Engineering Prototypes
Use our 3D printing rapid prototyping services to test mechanics and full functionality before committing to mass production.

We enable you to quickly, accurately and cost-efficiently validate the mechanical design of your product by building highly accurate concept test products and pre-production 3D printed engineering prototypes. 

  • Utilise our wide variety of material choices  
    • Including ABS-like durable plastics,  clear, moisture-resistant plastics,  nylon and glass-filled nylon, rubber and silicone.
  • Test and evaluate mechanical parts and features.
    • Retest and revisit through iterations.
    • Clarify design before  committing to mass production.
  • Choose from a wide variety of surface finishes.
    • Including wet sanding or polished resin, spray painting or colour pigmenting, rough finish or smooth gloss finish.
Prototype Manufacturing

Rapid Prototyping Services - How Can We Help?

Andrew Scholey - Technical 3D Printing & Casting Sales Manager