AME-3D Website Re-Launch

Jun 14, 2023 11:50:44 AM | Company News Re-launching The AME-3D Website

As part of our website relaunch, we want to make our offerings & technologies clear to new & existing customers.

We are pleased to announce that our website re-launch is now live. 

As part of our website relaunch, we want to make our offerings & technologies clear to new & existing customers. Giving multiple options to demonstrate our flexibility as a manufacturer & a smoother user-journey with up-to-date and accurate information.   


This relaunch further defines our services we offer including: 

Rapid Prototyping – Creating prototypes for design validation, visual inspection or testing before full scale production through 3D printing & moulding technologies. 

Additive Manufacturing – Allowing customers to get bespoke 3D prints through SLA, SLS & MJF methods. 

Low Volume Manufacturing – Enabling flexibility with supply chain pressures through manufacturing parts or end-use products on-demand. Streamlining manufacturing with short timescales. 


A rundown of the changes on the website include: 

- Clearer user navigation. 

- Updated branding. 

- Multiple options to contact without submitting a CAD, for project discussions. 

- More clarification on offerings including services, technologies & materials. 

- More information on who they are & their company history. 

- Material packs & updated information are now available to download. 


With clearer messaging, we hope that new and existing customers will be able to see our range and flexibility within manufacturing. 

Rich Proctor

Written By: Rich Proctor

Rich has a background in engineering & design, with 8+ years of strategic planning experience. As the Managing Director, he is keen to push boundaries.