Shrewsbury Flaxmill Model

Technologies Used: Vacuum Casting & SLA 3D Printing
Industry: DIY / Hardware
Project Purpose: Rapid Prototyping & Low Volume Production

LG Harris used our services & technologies to produce their No Loss Paintbrush product. We developed early physical prototypes to mitigate design risks & then low volume vacuum casted models for consumer research. 

Product Prototyping

LG Harris is one of Europe’s largest and best-known paintbrush and decorating tool manufacturers.  

Design consultancy, biild, used AME-3D's vacuum casting and low volume production facilities to test the design of a new paintbrush’s form and ergonomics.  

The No Loss Paintbrush design sketches were quickly produced as aesthetic models ready for consumer testing. 

We produced:  

  • Early physical prototypes to mitigate design risks.
  • Low volume vacuum cast models for consumer research.

LG Harris have been using AME-3D's industrial prototyping and production services since 2006 as part of their new product development process. 

SLA Prototypes

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